Your time is precious – you want to make the most of your vacation days while exploring both in the ocean and on land. Whatever your interests, we’ve got you covered! Pick individual fun dives, sprinkle in a few PADI courses, add your special requests, then let our engine do its magic to create your perfect holiday. We can even arrange your airport transfer. All you need are bathing suit, sandals, sunscreen, and, of course, your sense of adventure. Deciding on the right diving operation with whom to put your trust can be daunting, and you’ve done your part by choosing Ocean Dive League, now let us take care of the logistics!

About diving with us: groups are kept small with a maximum of 4 divers per guide. Fun Dives are for certified divers only. Check out our PADI Courses available if you want to get certified with Ocean Dive League.

What are you waiting for? Start creating your ideal diving holiday today!
Choose from the options below.

All prices in USD

dive sites

The diving in Bali is excellent all year round, with water temperatures range from 27° to 30° Celsius (80° to 86° Fahrenheit). The waters of Amed and Tulamben regions are often protected from prevailing seasonal weather conditions that affect other areas of Bali.


The Amed area covers approx 15 km of coastline consisting of dive sites from Malasti Amed through to Golden Rock. Most sites can easily be accessed from shore with boat dive used predominantly for drift dives at Bunutan, Lipah, Deep Blue and Golden Rock.

Dives range from macro, drift, walls, wrecks and coral gardens through to advance strong current dives at Gili Selang.


This site can be accessed as either a shore or a boat drift dive.

More than 20 years ago locals dropped neutral-Ph concrete pyramids and tires to attract fish and marine life to create a new reef. Mission accomplished!

This dive site is a must when you come to Amed: starting from the sandy bottom full of garden eels and blue spotted stingrays you will see the first pyramid as you go a bit deeper. Take your time to look inside these structures, it’s a perfect place for moray eel, lionfish, shrimps, and leaf scorpionfish. After a while, take a look at the amazing natural reef at around 15 meters depth, it’s full of colours and you can even see turtles if you are lucky.

Jemeluk Bay

The sheltered and calm waters of Jemeluk Bay are an ideal introduction site for scuba diving in the Amed area.

Along with a myriad of beautiful coral fish, the sites are also great for macro life with seahorses, ghost pipefish, frogfish, crabs, shrimps and loads of nudibranchs. Keep an eye out for turtles and reef sharks that are often seen here in the deeper parts.

Towards the end of the dive head back to the coral garden that sits in five to ten meters. The area is full of beautiful healthy corals and a great place to be as we conduct our safety stop.

This site is also really popular with snorkelers who can enjoy the shallow waters over the spectacular coral garden.


Accessible only by boat, Bunutan is a beautiful drift dive over spectacular coral gardens. As you drift along this 500 meters long reef, keep your eyes open and have a look in the blue in case bigger things show up. This area offers frequent sightings of reef sharks and turtles.

This two dive option includes one dive at Bunutan and one at Deep Blue.


Entering from the corner of the bay on a sandy slope, this site is ideal for macro photography. Not far from shore, you will also reach beautiful reef outcrops.

This site is very rich and you will be able to see many reef fish, along with juveniles of all species, shrimps, porcelain crabs, nudibranchs galore, and many scorpionfish.

Japanese Shipwreck

This rather small (about 10 meters long) wooden shipwreck is lying just a few meters from the beach at a depth of just a few meters in a beautiful coral garden and is therefore also a perfect spot for diving or snorkelling. Divers usually go around the corner and dive deeper to about 25m with a fair chance to encounter an eagle ray or two. Napoleon fish, turtles, striped catfish, stingrays, sea fans and nudibranchs can all be seen at the Japanese Shipwreck.

Deep Blue

* advanced only *

Drift dive from a boat over beautiful coral gardens. White-tip reef sharks and turtles are often seen here.

Relax while the medium to fast-paced current floats you past soft and hard corals at a depth ranging from 5m to 30m.

This two dive option includes either:

  • One dive at Deep Blue and one at Golden Rock, or
  • One dive at Deep Blue and one at Bunutan.

Golden Rock

* advanced only *

Another spectacular drift dive from a boat over beautiful coral gardens. White-tip reef sharks and turtles are often seen here.

Relax while the medium to fast-paced current floats you past soft and hard corals from at a depth ranging from 5m to 30m.

Another spectacular drift dive from a boat over beautiful coral gardens. White-tip reef sharks and turtles are often seen here.

Relax while the medium-paced current floats you past soft and hard corals from at depth ranging from 5m to 30m.

This two dive option includes one dive at Golden Rock and one at Deep Blue.

Gili Selang

The small island of Gili Selang lies on Bali’s eastern tip. It looks inviting, however, the more exposed areas can have up, down and swirling currents.

Your dive generally starts on the black sand slope which is dotted with nudibranchs and an abundance of other macro critters including gobies. The slope becomes a healthy, sheltered reef at a mere 4m and is a rich mixture of many, multi-coloured soft and hard corals.


Since the discovery of the USAT Liberty wreck as a diving destination back in the 1980s, Tulamben has become a world-famous dive site with divers all wanting to take a glimpse. The area also features another lesser-known Boga wreck that was sunk in 2012 at Kubu.

It’s not just the wrecks that draw divers here, the area also boasts some beautiful drop off walls, coral gardens and some amazing muck sites.

Liberty Wreck

This is Bali’s most popular dive destination and with good reason! It is the home of the U.S.A.T. Liberty, a World War II cargo ship that was torpedoed and left upon the beach. In 1963 Liberty was swept into the ocean by the eruption of Mt. Agung and now rests in water between 5 and 30 meters deep.

In the vicinity of the wreck are other world-famous sites, home to 100s of species of reef fish, soft and hard corals, nudibranchs, pygmy seahorses, electric clams and other rarities.

Excellent for night diving when the bump-head parrotfish come to the wreck.

Boga Wreck

This ship was sunk in 2012, thus is still fairly new. The wreck is wonderfully decorated, for example with a car. Also, the wreck is made for easy access and exit. The corals are beginning to grow and attract more and more marine life to the wreck.

Statues, car and other objects have also been sunk with the boat.


This dive site consists of two reefs, one left and one right. The reefs are full and beautifully overgrown with hard and soft corals, huge vase corals and gorgonians. In addition to large quantities of fish, we often see white-tip reef sharks, Napoleon, eagle rays, and sometimes a herd of bump head parrotfish comes by for a photo!


Also called Tulamben Wall, this spot is a drop-off. Weak current and good visibility of 10 to 30 meters.

The Tulamben drop off is one of the most popular sites of Bali. Descending from 3 meters to 80 meters depth, it has been formed by the lava river of the Mount Agung of 1963. It is today covered in a multitude of coral.

Coral Garden

Shallow water site located in one of the richest and biodiverse regions of Tulamben.

It is also the site where we are most likely to see black-tip sharks. This magnificent coral reef shelters numerous varieties of clownfish hiding in the anemones (white, green and blue), accessible to divers of all levels. This is an ideal spot for underwater photography.

Batu Belah

The site consists of big lumps of coral on a sand bed. The structure of the dive site stands out from the others of the Tulamben region because of the species found here. This makes it a particularly interesting site for divers staying a few days in Tulamben. Do not miss the purple leaf scorpionfish that are seen on every dive here.

Macro Sites

Seraya area is one of the most famous macro sites of Bali; know for years, photographers reunite here to capture shots of rare creatures, like the harlequin shrimp, nudibranchs, frogfishes, crabs, pipe ghostfish, skeleton shrimps, mimic & wonderpust octopuses, bornelas, leaf scorpionfishes and much more.

Sites include: Seraya Secret, Sidem, Pura Segara, Cantik Point, Melasti Tulamben, Batuniti and Batu Belah.


The best dive sites are around the four small rocky islands of Gili Tepekong, Gili Biaha, Gili Mimpang and Gili Selang. Many people say this is THE best diving in Bali! And the visibility is often excellent. The water is sometimes a bit chilly and a 3 mm wet suit would be a good idea to keep warm.

These islands are famous for the Sharks including many species: Whitetip and Blacktip reef Shark, the rare Wobbegong Shark, the very rare Cat Shark and even Hammerhead if you are lucky!

There are also regular encounters with the giant Mola Mola also called Oceanic Sunfish during the right season (August to October). The coral here is superb and very healthy.

But be CAREFUL! Due to challenging conditions, most of these superb dive sites are reserved for experienced divers only who are accompanied by an experienced guide!

Gili Tepekong

* advanced only *

Shark Alley, Canyon, Wall and Swim-Throughs Dive Sites.

Magnificent rock pinnacles covered with hard and soft corals and breath-taking vertical walls with sea fans and a kaleidoscope of colourful tropical fish.

Currents here are moderate to strong and very strong. Can be a difficult site around the full and new moon (down currents). Superb numbers of schooling barracudas, turtles and much more, a good chance to see big pelagic species like manta rays and sunfish (mola-mola) in season (June-October).

Gili Mimpang

* advanced only *

Gili Mimpang is situated between Gili Tepekong and the coast of Bali and offers the same characteristics as Tepekong.

Three small islets outline the site. At the beginning of the dive, we descend onto a plateau with a large coral bommie where marine life abounds, and little by little we make our way along the reef as it begins to slope and eventually turns into a vertical wall. If conditions allow, we continue along the wall, and at a shallower depth, make our way around the last of the three islets in order to arrive back to where we began our dive. The cold currents here (18-20⁰ C) contribute to keeping the reef in excellent health, and also make it possible to encounter pelagics such as reef sharks, barracuda, stingrays, and even mola-mola (sunfish), particularly from July to October.

Blue Lagoon

Blue Lagoon/Jepun is a small bay just outside Padangbai; it has a very unassuming appearance and is essentially a white sand slope and bottom with small scattered bits of reef and coral.

Take a closer look and you’ll find an entrancing variety of marinelife in this area just waiting to be uncovered. This includes a collection of resident Blue-spotted rays and a large Napoleon wrasse through to nudibranchs of all shapes, sizes and colours and surprising discoveries of scorpionfish, lionfish and moray eels.


The island of Nusa Penida is known world-wide for Manta rays and the Mola Mola, more commonly known as the Sun fish. Nusa Penida is the least populated of the islands situated just east of Bali. During your boat ride from Pandangbai you will pass breathtaking views of impressive rocky cliff-faces, white sand deserted beaches, tropical forest and arid plant-life clinging to sheer walls that descend into the depths of the sea. Manta Point is a “cleaning station” frequented by Reef Mantas (Alfredi Mantas). Dive with the majestic mola-mola during the season (July – Sept) in Crystal Bay.

Manta Point

This is the must-see dive site for all divers who come to Bali. The manta ray is a majestic and impressive animal, and seeing it for the first time is a transcending and magical experience. An unforgettable dive awaits you!

After following the sheer cliff-faces that characterize the coastline to arrive at the southeast end of Nusa Penida, you enter the mythical dive site of Manta Point. Sitting in 7 metres of water, nestled inside this protected bay, is the manta “cleaning station” where mantas swim over the top of the same enormous boulder and allow the little cleaner wrasse to eat off the parasites that cover their bodies. The water temperature ranges between 20-24⁰ C and is often rich in plankton.

Crystal Bay

* advanced only *

Crystal Bay is a renowned dive site for being one of the only places in the world to observe the giant sunfish (mola-mola). These massive pelagic fish, measuring about 3 metres in height, swim up from the deep to be cleaned by banner fishes (species of butterfly fish). Our chances of seeing this amazing fish are greatest between June and October. This site is notorious for strong, variable currents so it is reserved for very experienced divers only.


At the end of the channel, between Nusa Ceningan and Nusa Penida, we arrive at the dive site Toyapakeh. Semi-protected from the currents arriving from the strait of Ceningan, this is a superb site with large, prominent boulders and very particular and uneven coral formations.

Between 6 and 15 metres, a coral plateau stretches out and then drops off to an abrupt wall that descends down to about 30 metres. Most often this is a drift dive that will sail people through a multitude of marine life and unbelievable corals, crossing paths with pelagics, including the mola-mola. Even in the shallows, thousands of juvenile fish take shelter amidst the coral reef.

SD, PED, Sental

On the north coast of Nusa Penida, the seaweed farmers live along a white sand beach stretching the length of the coast, while beneath the surface the coral reef runs parallel to this magnificent panorama.

Choosing one of the several dive sites available, we descend just in front of a primary school (Sekolah Dasar) to dive the SD wall, or in front of a temple to dive the Ped wall, or a bit further we can find the dive site Sental. These sites are topographically very similar: all are characterized by a sloping wall that sinks out towards the dark blue of the ocean and the atmosphere is extraordinary.


With a resident Course Director and experienced Master Scuba Diver Trainer staff, we are pleased to offer a full complement of PADI courses, ranging from the very beginner to professional. Whether you wish to take your first glimpse of the underwater world, or are ready to become a Staff Instructor, we’ve got you covered!


We all have to start somewhere – and every diver remembers their first foray into the magical underwater world. We’re thrilled to guide you on this journey with a full breadth of courses aimed to support your introduction to diving. What are you waiting for? Come take a plunge with us!

Discover Scuba Diving

The PADI Discover Scuba Dive is an introduction to diving for first-timers or people who do not have a certificate. You will learn some basic theory and safety rules before going for one or two dives in beautiful Jemeluk Bay.

This can be credited towards your Open Water Course if you wish to complete the full certification.

Divers must be at least 10 years old to take this course, be able to swim and have a reasonable fitness level. No previous experience necessary.

PADI Scuba Diver


Course Duration: 2 DAYS / 2 DIVES

The PADI Scuba Diver course is ideal for those with limited time. It involves 3 modules of theory from the Open Water course, half a day of confined pool training and 2 open water dives up to 12 meters.

You will receive a certification that lets you dive to 12 meters under the supervision of a Divemaster or Instructor. This license is valid worldwide.

You can upgrade this certification to the Open Water diver level at any time.

PADI Open Water Diver

Course Duration: 3 DAYS / POOL + 4 DIVES (our MOST POPULAR course)

This package combines the Open Water and Advanced Open Water certifications.

Become a certified diver and receive a permanent license to dive unsupervised to a maximum depth of 18 meters, valid worldwide for the rest of your life.

The course involves diving theory, video presentation, confined water pool training and four fun boat dives on Amed and Tulamben’s amazing reefs; two dives to 12 meters and two dives to 18 meters.

Equipment rental, PADI Open Water E-Manual, Dive planner, Certification and Logbook are all included.

Option: REFERRAL (Open Water Dives Only)
If you have already completed your theory and pool dives and would like to do your open water dives in the beautiful, tropical waters around Amed, we can absolutely accommodate you, at a discount. Please select this option below and we will be in touch to discuss a few details regarding your referral.

If you are already certified as a Scuba Diver and looking to upgrade to Open Water Diver (allowing you to dive unsupervised and increasing your depth limit to 18m), please contact us to discuss this option.

PADI Adventure Dives


* for certified Open Water Divers (or higher, i.e. Advanced Open Water Divers) *

Have you always wanted to try digital underwater photography, fish identification or to perfect your buoyancy skills? Once you’re a certified Open Water Diver, we are pleased to offer a varied list of scuba adventures you can take part in during this program. Complete three Adventure Dives and you earn the Adventure Diver certification. It’s a great opportunity to work with your instructor to build your scuba skills and gain more confidence. Your Adventure Dives will be credited toward your Advanced Open Water Diver certification. Get a taste of what you like and enjoy scuba diving more than ever!

Select the number of Adventure Dives you’d like to try and we will contact you to discuss the various options available.

PADI Bubble Maker


Course Duration: Variable / 2 DIVES

Children as young as 8 years old can enjoy taking their first breaths underwater. Starting in the swimming pool, they are taught safety skills like clearing the mask and regulator, and also enjoying some games. Once they are comfortable and if the conditions are suitable, they can then enjoy an ocean dive to a maximum depth of 2 meters where they can expect to see turtles, clown fish, angelfish, trumpet fish and all of the other favourites.

We have diving equipment in junior sizes including smaller tanks.

Divers must be 8 years old. No previous experience necessary.


Now that you’ve had a taste of the incredible adventures as a beginner, you may be interested in continuing your education to explore a bit deeper. Some of the most rewarding dive sites are below the 18 metre depth, which is the limit for Open Water Divers. Perhaps it’s not the depth that has captured your imagination, but you wish to perfect your buoyancy skills or be prepared to help others if the need ever arises.

PADI Advanced Open Water Diver (AOWD)

Course Duration: 2 DAYS / 5 DIVES

This package combines the Open Water and Advanced Open Water certifications.

Once you complete your PADI Open Water Course, you can continue your diving education with the Advanced Open Water Course.

This course is designed to increase your confidence in the water whilst learning new skills. You have to complete 5 dives including the deep water and underwater navigation dives. You can choose the other three dives from the following options: night dive, drift, boat, photography, fish identification, wreck, and peak performance buoyancy dive. Upon completion of this course, you will be more comfortable underwater and have a better understanding of the aquatic world allowing you to dive to a depth of up to 30 metres.

Option: Joining with prior documented Adventure Dives
If you have officially documented Adventure Dives, we are happy to adjust the AOWD course price in acknowledgement of you having met part of the requirement. Please let us know if this is the case when finalizing your selections and we will be in touch to discuss this option.

Emergency First Response


Course Duration: 1 DAY

First Aid and CPR are good skills for everyone, not just scuba divers. You need these skills for the PADI Rescue Diver course. The Emergency First Response (EFR) course teaches you medical emergency response skills and gives you the confidence to help in an actual emergency.

What you learn in the EFR course:
• BLS (Basic Life Support) CPR and rescue breathing at the layperson level
• Preventing and caring for shock
• Spinal injury management
• Use of barriers to reduce disease transmission risk
• Basic first aid and first aid kit considerations

These skills can be used in any area or environment from being a parent, working with children or being involved in adventure sports. Most work organisations will accept this as a First Aid course to be used, recognised and credited.

PADI Rescue Diver


Course Duration: 3-4 DAYS / 4 DIVES

The PADI Rescue Diver course is a challenging and informative course that will build your confidence as a recreational diver. Three to four days of intensive classroom and in-water rescue training will be both fun and rewarding for all divers. Students will complete 12 Open Water Training Exercises which emphasize a diver’s ability to be flexible and adapt to personal and environmental conditions. In the end, all 12 exercises will be practised in real-life scenarios.

• First aid for diving injuries
• First aid for marine injuries
• Emergency procedures
• Rescue equipment consideration and usage
• Distress recognition
• Self-rescue
• Rescue entries, approaches and exits
• Assist and transportation of patients
• Missing, unconscious and submerged diver rescue
• In-water artificial respiration
• Accident recording and reporting

By the end of the course, you will have expanded your knowledge of diving, increased your level of diving skill and be more aware of what is happening in the diving environment. Most importantly, rescue training can help you to save lives and increase safety by preparing you to properly respond to diving emergencies.


Ready for more adventure, new skills and new challenges? Our selection of specialty courses is sure to inspire. Have you ever wondered what it’d be like to dive inside a wreck? Feel truly weightless with two tanks in a sidemount configuration? If so, you’ve come to the right place. The variety of dive-sites around the Amed area and the depth of expertise of our staff are a potent recipe for more fun!

PADI Enriched Air Diver (Nitrox)


Course Duration: THEORY ONLY

Stay down longer and get back in the water sooner. Learn how to dive using Enriched Air Nitrox.

The PADI Enriched Air Diver course is PADI’s most popular specialty scuba diving course, and it’s easy to see why. Scuba diving with enriched air Nitrox gives you more ‘no decompression’ dive time. This means more time underwater, especially on repetitive scuba dives.

PADI Deep Diver


Course Duration: 3-4 DIVES

Explore the wonders of the deep. Learn techniques for diving in the deeper ranges of 18-40 meters. After your first few scuba dives, you soon want to explore a bit deeper. There’s something exciting and mysterious about the depth that attracts divers.

PADI Wreck Diver


Course Duration: 3-4 DIVES

Whether sunk on purpose as an artificial reef or the result of mishap, wrecks open fascinating windows to the past. Most divers find wrecked ships, airplanes and even automobiles nearly irresistible because they’re intriguing to explore, exciting avenues of discovery, and usually teeming with aquatic life. The PADI Wreck Diver course teaches you the ins and outs of rewarding, responsible wreck diving.

PADI Night Diver


Course Duration: 3-4 DIVES

As the sun sets, you don your dive gear, slip on your scuba mask and turn on your torch. Although you’ve seen this reef many times before, this time you dive into a whole new world and watch it come to life under the glow of your dive light. Learn about night dive planning, equipment and navigation. Plus see a whole new cast of critters that comes out at night.

PADI Underwater Navigator


Course Duration: 2-3 DIVES

Be the scuba diver everyone wants to follow because you know where you are and where you’re going. The PADI Underwater Navigator course fine-tunes your observation skills and teaches you to more accurately use your compass underwater. If you like challenges with big rewards, take this course and have fun finding your way.

Peak Performance Buoyancy


Course Duration: 2-3 DIVES

Observe aquatic life without disturbing their surroundings. Improve the buoyancy skills you learned as a new diver and elevate them to the next level.

Divers who’ve mastered the highest performance levels in buoyancy stand apart. You’ve seen them underwater. They glide effortlessly, use less air and ascend, descend or hover, almost as if by thought. They interact gently with aquatic life and affect their surroundings minimally. The PADI Peak Performance Buoyancy course refines the basic skills you learned as a PADI Open Water Diver and elevates them to the next level. Neutral buoyancy is the key to conserving your air consumption and leaving minimal impact on the aquatic environment.

PADI Drift Diver


Course Duration: 2-3 DIVES

The PADI Drift Diver Specialty course introduces you to the coolest magic carpet ride you’ll ever experience. This course shows you how to enjoy rivers and ocean currents by “going with the flow”, staying with your dive partner, communicating with the dive boat and knowing where you are the whole time.

PADI Sidemount Diver


Course Duration: 4 DIVES

A sidemount configuration (scuba tanks alongside the diver) offers more flexibility and better streamlining options. Learn about the many benefits of diving with a sidemount configuration.

Having scuba tanks on your back isn’t a requirement for exploring the underwater world. Many scuba divers have discovered the joy of mounting cylinders on their sides. Sidemount diving gives you the comfort of a second tank – meaning more air on your dives! Plus, you don’t have to walk with heavy cylinders on your back – just enter the water, clip them on and go.

Discover Sidemount

Most probably you’ve seen those divers with two tanks and guessed they must be technical divers. Sidemount can be recreational and technical. It came from cave diving and covers many recreational diving needs now. It solves air consumption and buoyancy difficulties, giving safety during deep and drift dives. And it gives you a chance to grow and explore something new as a diver.

Not sure about it yet? Try it out and have your own opinion about this equipment.

To try it out you have to be certified as an Open Water.


Technical (tec) diving means going beyond recreational scuba diving limits. But, tec divers will tell you that it’s really about the challenge and adventure of exploring places that no one else has ever seen. Tec diving is not for everyone, but it does attract experienced divers who want to go beyond their current limits and are willing to accept the added risks, training, investment and commitment it demands. If this is you, then PADI TecRec courses are your ticket to extreme adventure.

Discover Technical Diving

This short course is designed to let divers experience technical diving in confined water. Get introduced a few basic skills and procedures. Discover Technical Diving may credit towards the Tec 40 Course.

Your PADI Tec Instructor may introduce a few basic skills, such as primary to secondary regulator switch and gas shutdown procedures.

PADI Tech Sidemount Diver


Course Duration: 4 DIVES

If you’ve looked into technical diving, you realize that tec divers always wear more than one tank. Sidemount is an increasingly popular way to configure multiple cylinders for technical diving. You can enter the world of tec diving with the Tec Sidemount Diver course and apply what you learn to other TecRec courses.

Your instructor may offer to integrate this course with the Tec 40, Tec 45 or Tec 50 courses.

PADI Tec 40


The PADI Tec 40 course is where you transition from recreational scuba diving to technical diving. It’s a great place to start because it’s the first subdivision of the full PADI Tec Diver course and bridges the gap between no stop diving and full technical deep decompression diving.

You gain experience and begin building the knowledge and skills you need to continue your Tec diver training. You will qualify to make limited decompression dives to 40 metres/130 feet.

To enroll in the Tec 40 course, you must be:

  • A PADI Advanced Open Water Diver
  • A PADI Enriched Air Diver with at least 10 dives using enriched air deeper than 18 metres/60 feet
  • A PADI Deep Diver or proof of at least 10 dives to 30 metres/100 feet
  • At least 18 years old and have a minimum of 30 logged dives
  • You also need to have a Medical Statement signed by a physician within the last 12 months.

PADI Tec 45 – continuing education


Part 2 of the PADI Tec Deep Diver program. Extend your depth limit to 45 metres/145 ft. Learn to plan & execute repetitive decompression dives using a single stage/decompression cylinder.

It puts you in a complete tec diving rig, which can be either backmount or sidemount. You’ll also make accelerated decompression dives using EANx or pure oxygen. This is a course where you’ll rise to the challenge and make the commitment to become a technical diver.

To enroll in the Tec 45 course, you must:

  • Be a PADI Tec 40 diver
  • Be a PADI Rescue Diver
  • Have a minimum of 50 logged dives, with at least 12 dives on enriched air nitrox deeper than 18 metres/60 feet and 6 dives deeper than 30 metres/100 feet
  • Be at least 18 years old
  • Have a Medical Statement signed by a physician within the last 12 months

PADI Tec 50 – continuing education


Part 3 of the full PADI Tec Deep Diver program. Develop competency & have the skills to dive to a max of 50 metres/165 ft. Learn how to extend & accelerate decompression stops using up to 2 gases.

The third part of the full PADI Tec Deep Diver program is Tec 50. As a Tec 50 diver, you show that you’ve developed competency as a tec diver and have the skills to dive to a maximum of 50 metres/165 feet. You know how to make extended, accelerated decompression stops using up to two gases. It’s not easy to reach this level and earning your Tec 50 certification opens the door to deeper diving expeditions.

To enroll in the Tec 50 course, you must:

  • Be a PADI Tec 45 diver
  • Have a minimum of 100 logged dives, with at least 20 dives on enriched air nitrox deeper than 18 metres/60 feet and 15 dives deeper than 30 metres/100 feet
  • Be at least 18 years old
  • Have a Medical Statement signed by a physician within the last 12 months


You’re ready to transform your life and step into the professional ranks of PADI as a Divemaster or Instructor; or, perhaps, you want to hone your skills beyond advanced. No matter what your motivation, we’re here to support you in reaching those goals. Our mission is your success!

Divemaster (Basic)


Course Duration: 15 DAYS

This package is designed for those who would like to extend their diving knowledge, to learn new skills to improve their comfort underwater or to go PRO and meet requirements to apply for work as a safety-conscious dive guide. This intense course will entail a lot of theory combined with its underwater application, so be prepared to study hard. However, this gives you a chance to become a Divemaster in one place and continue your internship elsewhere. We’ve specifically designed it for you with this flexibility in mind.

Price includes:
• 15 days Divemaster course;
• Unlimited amount of diving during the course;
• T-shirt;
• Free Nitrox course; and,
• Diving equipment rental (you should have your own mask, snorkel, fins and a dive computer).

• PADI Divemaster Crewpack (messenger bag with the required materials);
• PADI Fee (190 AUD);
• Accommodation and food.

Divemaster (Advanced)


Course Duration: 30 DAYS

This is the classic Divemaster course you can find at most dive centres, with a twist. Our approach is to get you assisting with courses as soon as possible by getting you appropriately prepared. That’s why in the first 9 days you will work on presentations, skill development and stamina to comfortably assist instructors in diving courses and programs. We prepare you for real Divemaster duties within the first 9 days to give you a chance to truly experience what it is like to work as a diving professional. Starting day 10 you will assist in courses and guide additional Discover Scuba Diving program dives because at that point you will be a certified Divemaster. No sitting and waiting for an Instructor to become available to do your training because he/she is busy with the students from another course.

Price includes:
• 30 days Divemaster course;
• Unlimited diving during the course;
• T-shirt;
• Free Nitrox course;
• Free Dive Against Debris course; and,
• Diving equipment rental (you need your own mask, snorkel, fins and a dive computer).

• PADI Divemaster Crewpack;
• PADI fee (190 AUD);
• Accommodation and food.

Instructor Development Course


Course Duration: Approximately 15 DAYS
This course includes PADI IDC, Enriched Air (Nitrox) Instructor, and EFR Instructor.

If you like people, have a passion for scuba diving and want an extraordinary life – become a PADI Instructor.

Teaching scuba diving allows you to share your love of the aquatic world with others while doing what you enjoy – being in, around and under water. PADI Open Water Scuba Instructors and PADI Assistant Instructors are the most sought-after dive professionals around the world because they’ve completed the program that sets the standard for training dive professionals. You earn a PADI Instructor rating through hard work and commitment, but you’re rewarded with a job that lets you share incredible underwater adventures with others – transforming their lives for the better and enriching yours.

To find out more about the prerequisites of this program, please check our IDC page.

If you select the IDC as part of your Custom Diving Package, we will contact you to discuss additional details, including your diving history and any teaching specialities you may wish to bundle.


We hope that you’ve enjoyed selecting your perfect dive package and are as excited about your adventure as we are about being your hosts. You can continue adding more options, or if you’re ready to tell us your special requests and finalize your request, please click the button below.